Online-Veranstaltung "Female Entrepreneurs in Berlin"
in Kooperation mit "Because Berlin"
Im Rahmen unserer englischsprachigen Kurs- und Eventreihe organisieren wir in Kooperation mit Because Berlin eine Online-Veranstaltung für und über “Female Entrepreneurs in Berlin“.
This exciting online event will bring together Berlin-based international female founders and women aiming to become self-employed.
During the event you will have the opportunity to learn more about the first steps into self-employment in Germany and you will hear the first-hand experiences and insights of two women entrepreneurs in Berlin, working respectively in the Tech and in the Art sector. You will also have the chance to raise your questions on I.S.I.’s and Because Berlin’s services to support founders in Berlin and to engage in discussions on the two above-mentioned sectors.
Save the Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 | 16h30 – 18h00
The programme and registration details will be shared very soon.
Bleiben Sie dran, um mehr zu erfahren | Stay tuned!