I.S.I. goes English!

Launch your business in Germany! Our free courses in English will begin in 2021.

You would like to start your own business in Germany and you need help? We support you all the way!

In addition to a wide range of entrepreneurship courses in German language, we will be soon offering a selected choice of courses in English on how to successfully set up your own company.

The courses are free of charge and suitable for Berlin-based immigrant and expat women aiming to become self-employed.

The program will cover a variety of subject areas to guide you through the process of founding a company, such as developing your business idea, creating or fine-tuning your business plan, assessing your finances, identifying stakeholders, completing the legal paperwork, choosing the best marketing tools and a whole lot more.

We constantly update the course schedule – Stay tuned!

Drop us an email for more information: anmeldung@isi-ev.de