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Introduction Taxes Basics for Entrepreneurs | at ISI 🇬🇧

Taxes are a worrying topic that also occupy you during your start-up. Self-employment brings with it a number of changes that you need to take into account in order to avoid problems with the tax office. It is also important that you know which taxes are relevant for you as a founder and how to pay them correctly.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Small business regulation
  • Distinction between a freelance and a commercial activity
  • Turnover tax advance return
  • Income tax
  • Corporate tax
  • Income Surplus Account (EÜR)
  • Input tax deduction
  • Case studies

The course consists of 4 modules and will be held in English.

Starting/Ending dates

17.02.2023 – 24.02.2023 (4 days course, Fri, Mon, Thu and Fri)

Frist für die Anmeldung zum Kurs: bis 14.02.2023!

NB: Registrations must be done up to 3 working days before the beginning of the course.

Course registration

Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 hat eine neue Förderperiode unseres Projekts begonnen. Daher ist eine erneute Anmeldung erforderlich – auch für Teilnehmerinnen, die im vergangenen Jahr Kurse bei uns besucht haben.

Anmeldung für Kurs: "Introduction Taxes Basics for Entrepreneurs | at ISI 🇬🇧"

Important note: If you don’t receive any confirmation after 3 working days, please send an e-mail to


  Beginn Ende Dozentin Ort
17.02.2023 16:00 20:00 Sviatlana Kuntsevich ISI e. V., Kurfürstenstraße 126, 10785 Berlin
20.02.2023 16:00 20:00 Sviatlana Kuntsevich ISI
23.02.2023 16:00 20:00 Sviatlana Kuntsevich ISI
24.02.2023 16:00 20:00 Sviatlana Kuntsevich ISI
16:00 - 20:00 - mit Sviatlana Kuntsevich - at ISI e. V., Kurfürstenstraße 126, 10785 Berlin
16:00 - 20:00 - mit Sviatlana Kuntsevich - at ISI
16:00 - 20:00 - mit Sviatlana Kuntsevich - at ISI
16:00 - 20:00 - mit Sviatlana Kuntsevich - at ISI

Kurs Info

 Beginnt am: 17.02.2023
Jetzt anmelden



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