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How to create a powerful personal brand | online 🇬🇧

An important element of being successful both personally and professionally is to craft and develop your own personal brand. Clients don’t just buy a product or service, they need and want to trust in not just what they buy, but also whom they buy it from. You are the face of your business: you are your business. Therefore, building a powerful, confident and authentic personal brand will make all the difference. It will position you as a “leader” in your own space.

During this seminar you will have the possibility to:

  • Learn different tools, tips and techniques which will help you develop your confidence and professional image, without losing your authenticity
  • Create a vision of the future You as a successful, confident business woman
  • Work on your self image, professional presence and develop your inner and out confidence
  • Develop your communication style and skills
  • Meet other freelancers, entrepreneurs, business owners, and work together to exchange ideas, get new perspectives and make new connections

Starting/Ending dates

22.03.2022 – 24.03.2022 (3 days course, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

NB: Die Anmeldung ist bis zu 3 Werktagen vor Kursbeginn möglich.

Course registration

Anmeldung für Kurs: "How to create a powerful personal brand | online 🇬🇧"

Wichtiger Hinweis: Sollten Sie innerhalb von 3 Werktagen nach der Anmeldung keine Anmeldebestätigung von uns erhalten, schreiben Sie bitte eine E-Mail an


  Beginn Ende Dozentin Ort
22.03.2022 10:00 14:00 Online (Zoom-Plattform)
23.03.2022 10:00 14:00 Online (Zoom-Plattform)
24.03.2022 10:00 14:00 Online (Zoom-Plattform)
10:00 - 14:00 - mit - at Online (Zoom-Plattform)
10:00 - 14:00 - mit - at Online (Zoom-Plattform)
10:00 - 14:00 - mit - at Online (Zoom-Plattform)

Kurs Info

 Beginnt am: 22.03.2022
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