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Effective communication and storytelling | hybrid 🇬🇧

Storytelling has the power to open hearts, minds, build better communities and businesses, and so much more. Understanding the users and storytelling are essential and has emerged as one of the most innovative communication methods. Understanding the method can be helpful when communicating with investors, enhancing a business’s value, or simply promoting a business. The course focuses on the basics of storytelling and how entrepreneurs can cultivate stories that communicate the guiding values of their brands.

This course will equip you with the skills and confidence to use the power of storytelling in your entrepreneurial career. A voice coach will join for a special session to support participants through guidance. Get ready to captivate every listener!

This event is aimed at all entrepreneurs, particularly those who would like to gain a strong grasp and improve their storytelling skills. 

What you will learn in this course:

  • Learn what storytelling is; lern how to use storytelling to grow business
  • To be able to use a few different techniques to deliver a story
  • Learn how to craft stories that make your business stands out
  • Understanding your audience, their needs, and what you are trying to achieve with your big idea
  • Increase your ability to engage and inspire others through the development of tone and style

Starting/Ending dates

04.05.2022 – 13.05.2022 (5 days course, hybrid – at ISI and Zoom)

Additional options after the course

  • Individual coaching to reflect on and improve storytelling skills

NB: Registrations must be done up to 3 working days before the beginning of the course.

Course registration

Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 hat eine neue Förderperiode unseres Projekts begonnen. Daher ist eine erneute Anmeldung erforderlich – auch für Teilnehmerinnen, die im vergangenen Jahr Kurse bei uns besucht haben.

Anmeldung für Kurs: "Effective communication and storytelling | hybrid 🇬🇧"

Important note: If you don’t receive any confirmation after 3 working days, please send an e-mail to


  Beginn Ende Dozentin Ort
04.05.2022 09:30 13:30 Zoom Online (Hybrid)
05.05.2022 09:30 13:30 ISI meeting room (face-to-face)
06.05.2022 09:30 13:30 ISI meeting room (face-to-face)
12.05.2022 09:30 13:30 Zoom Online (Hybrid)
13.05.2022 09:30 13:30 Zoom Online (Hybrid)
09:30 - 13:30 - mit - at Zoom Online (Hybrid)
09:30 - 13:30 - mit - at ISI meeting room (face-to-face)
09:30 - 13:30 - mit - at ISI meeting room (face-to-face)
09:30 - 13:30 - mit - at Zoom Online (Hybrid)
09:30 - 13:30 - mit - at Zoom Online (Hybrid)

Kurs Info

 Beginnt am: 04.05.2022
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